Let Them Eat Marshmallows… or Choco Pies

This pun very much intended: the following effort, sending marshmallows in balloon launches into the DPRK, literally takes the cupcake.

The idea of balloon launches in themselves is somewhat of a labour-intensive, low-reward effort in the first place. After all, the effectiveness of such launches depends not only on how many balloons you use, but also upon meteorological phenomena that are simply out of your hands. Furthermore, there is no way to find out whether the material you put inside the balloon itself is picked up by the intended end user – for all we know, the numerous leaflets that are supposedly showered over the DPRK could simply end up bolstering the nutrition of North Korea’s flora and fauna. (The counter to all of this is why North Korea would send someone to assassinate the numero uno behind these balloon launches… if the DPRK was behind it at all, but I digress) Read the rest of this entry »